There is a rampant verbal disease that seems to be the last blow to the still quivering corpse of conversation, which has already been kicked in the gut by texting.
Somehow, a monstrous blend of ValleyGirlese and the word, like, has rotted the minds of kids.
I am exposed to this phenomena because everyday I'm in the locker room of my gym at the same time as different girls teams come in.
Like I was in English, and like the teacher told me that I had too many 'likes' in my paper, and I said like what do you mean and like she's a real bitch and so I said WHATEVER!
To her friend -
Like what do you think she meant?
I wondered why parents aren't horrified at this retardo way of communicating.
How many likes does the other person have to hear before they get to the point!
I listened in horrified way.
Like, I was curious as to when THE LIKES WOULD STOP!!
The word seems to be like verbal Ebola.
Even TV personalities are succumbing to this word.
I am on the phone a lot with my boyfriend, and being the witty conversationalists that we are, thought about seeking therapy when the word, like, crept into our speech!
Some parents seem to be realizing that their darling child may have a speech impediment that could keep her from interacting with someone intelligent, like maybe her future employer!
They actually have programs that will restore their child's verbal habits.
You know what would work?
Have a real conversations with your kids on what's really going on in this world.
Yeah, right.
I was at one of my 22 year old son's parties and any attempt to have a conversation was meant with glazed X's in their eyes.
I used the word like a ridiculously amount of times to one of the kids, and he didn't even know I was mocking him!
When we blow ourselves up, I'm sure that the aliens will check to see if there is any intelligent life left.
If these kids are the only survivors, I think it might go like this.
The aliens land and a kid shows up saying, Wow, like are you like beam me up Scotty, and like can I have a like ride?
The aliens hold their heads, get on their ship and report to their authorities.
There is no intelligent life left on Earth!
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