Because it makes me laugh, I want to make other people laugh, too.
In this internet era of here today, gone next second, you better snag the public's brain quickly or you are clicked into oblivion.
So, I guess that a lot of the beginning of these blogs have shocking – BUT – true facts and if you follow along, you'll start laughing.
But, folks, I've had some 'interesting' reactions from the people that I've handed blogs to.
I distributed about a 100 of them at an Art Festival recently.
Of course I tried to secretly see their reactions, since these are my mental children.
Most of the time I got to see:
Reluctant laughter
Total insane surrender to the wackness of it
Total contemptuous lip tightening (from a snobby rich bitch on Park Ave).
People HORRIFIED in a controlled way such as edging politely away from the crazy lady, or flicking it contemptuously on the ground.
The worst was when I gave my Sex blog to my favorite deli worker and when she started reading it yelling, Sweet Jesus, I can't read this!! Oh, help me God!!!
(Maybe this blog can serve a higher purpose – they could read it to conservative people on their deathbed, and their righteous indignation could snatch them from the jaws of death!)
When I came home, feeling like Tillie, the three headed freak, my boyfriend make me feel better by saying, Well, at least you got a reaction!
In trying to analyze my failure to communicate, I saw a pattern.
I did mention body parts.
Breasts, and vaginas, and penis's, oh, my.
If Pat Robertson ever watched recent Nature films he would try to shut Mother Nature down.
Male lions have sex fifty times a day, and a male pigs' orgasm lasts 30 minutes.
Have you no shame, Mother Nature!
Well, humanity sure does.
Every properly educated person knows the story of the WOMAN being branded with the scarlet A for having more than one partner, and the Town Whore for having too many.
I just have one question.
What would have happened if ADAM had grabbed that apple, instead?
[email protected]